Math 171 - Calc with Algebra & Trig I LEC 001 : VAN VLECK B102, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM, MWF LEC 002 : VAN VLECK B102, 2:25 PM - 3:15 PM, MWF
Professor: Tullia Dymarz Office: Van Vleck 509 Email: (Please use your address) Website: Office hours: Monday 1:00pm-2:00pm in VV 509 and MW after class.
- 40% Final Exam (Wed, Dec. 17, 2013, 7:25pm - 9:25pm)
Homework/Quizzes/Section: I will assign weekly homework each THURSDAY. This homework will be turned in to your TA during discussion section a week later. Each TA will decide which portion of the homework to grade and when to give quizzes. Since each TA is different, section grades will be scaled at the end of the semester in order not to punish those students with TAs who are tougher graders. Email policy: All questions should first be directed to your TA. If your TA does not know the answer to your question they will ask me and get back to you. Please email me only from your email otherwise your email might get sent to the spam folder. Short direct questions that require short answers are best. If you have a longer question please ask me after class or during office hours. Missed Exams: Except in exceptional circumstances, the university requires that you take the final exam at the above scheduled time. In particular, an exam may not be rescheduled due to travel arrangements. If you do have an emergency or other legitimate conflict with the above exam date, please let me know as soon as possible. I use the same policy for midterm exams. If you are sick or have an emergency the day of the exam you need to get a note from a doctor. Calculator and cheat sheet policy: Calculators will not be allowed on exams. A 3 by 5 handwritten index card (double sided) cheat sheet will be allowed. Mcburney Visa: If you have a Mcburney Visa you need to let me know as soon as possible at the start of the semester. Important dates. See the registrar's web page for drop deadlines etc.
Please memorize your section number! You will need it for exams.
Studying advice. The best way to learn mathematics is by doing problems. In particular, I recommend against using such techniques as flashcards and highlighting your book. If you feel uncomfortable with a certain topic, the best course of action is to do more problems from your textbook. For Precalculus material you can also use MyMathTest. It is also often useful to read the relevant sections of the textbook before lecture. However, the lectures will frequently differ from the textbook in both emphasis and structure. Math help. If you need help with the material, there are many options. You can talk to your TAs, ask questions in section, go to office hours or even just studying with a friend can be very helpful. If you feel overwhelmed and your TA can't help, come see me in office hours or send me an email. There are also many other resources available for math help:
-Tutorial Program
-Tutoring in University Residence Halls
-Private Tutors