MATH 95: Fundamental Mathematical Skills Fall Semester 2011
Lecture Information: Instructor: Diane Rivard Email: MWF 11:00-11:50, Van Vleck B107 Websites: and
Lab Hours: | |
Monday | 7:50-8:50 and 3:15-4:15 |
Tuesday | 7:45-9:45 and 11:00-2:00 |
Wednesday | 7:50-8:50 and 3:15-4:15 |
Thursday | 9:00-2:00 and 3:45-4:45 |
Friday | 7:50-8:50 and 3:15-4:15 |
All lab hours take place in Helen C. White Library, room 2250. If you would like to meet privately with your instructor to discuss your questions or concerns, please contact me by email.
Required Student Material:
Grading: Your grade for this class will be based on your performance in the following activities, weighted as follows out of 1000 points:
Attendance: 100 points. Please read the attendance policy very carefully. Homework: 100 points. There will be weekly homework, assigned on MyMathLab. Quizzes: 150 points. There will be a quiz, to be done through MyMathLab, every week that we do
not have an Exam. Three Exams: 100 points, 150 points and 150 points. Their dates are below. Final Exam: 250 points.
Time and class organization:
In most three-credit college courses, the average student must devote 9 to 12 hours per week to the class to be successful in the course. In this class, students spend 3 hours in a classroom setting, so expect to spend 6 or more hours per week working at home, completing homework assignments and quizzes, and studying.
Class time will be organized as follows: On Wednesday we will have a focus group, where we will cover certain course material and attend to the housekeeping issues of the course. On Monday and Friday you will work independently on your course material in class. On these days, your instructor will be available to help you with your questions.
To receive help from an instructor in class or during office hours, you will be required to show that you have worked through the relevant Objective in your Student organizer. In addition, for homework questions, you will be required to show the work you have done in your homework notebook. If you have not filled out your Student organizer or if your work in your homework notebook is not neatly written, the instructor will not answer your question.
Attendance policy:
To be considered present in a given class period, you must arrive on time, and stay until the class period is over. In addition to this, you must spend the entire class period working on your mathematics material only. You are not allowed to text-message, check your email, connect to Facebook, etc. After one warning you will be counted as absent.
Each student will be allowed 3 unexcused absences during the semester. After 3 unexcused absences, each unexcused absence will reduce your attendance grade by 10 points.
Absences will be excused only for the following reasons:
If you find yourself in any of the above circumstances, bring the appropriate documentation in a timely manner to your instructor. He or she will take it to the coordinator of the program for approval.
Every time you have an unexcused absence, you will receive an email from your instructor notifying you of the impact your absence has had on your grade in the course.
Finally, if you earn an A on an Exam, you will be excused from attending the computer sessions on Monday and Friday, for as long as you get A’s on the weekly quizzes, until the next Exam. If you get a grade lower than an A on a quiz, you will be required to attend computer sessions again. If you are eligible for this dispensation, you will receive an email excusing you from attending computer sessions. When you lose this privilege, you will likewise be notified by email.
If you are uncertain whether you are excused from attending class, ask your instructor. Thinking that you are excused from attending will not earn you an excused absence.
Assignment/Exam extensions: Extension of deadlines and make-up exams will only be granted for the following reasons:
Again, if you find yourself in any of the above circumstances, bring the appropriate documentation in a timely manner to your instructor. He or she will take it to the coordinator of the program for approval. Please note that the Exam dates are below, and it is your responsibility to verify right now that you will be able to attend class on Exam days.
McBurney students: If you have a McBurney visa please talk to your instructor right away.
Academic misconduct: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you are unsure whether a particular action is considered cheating or not, do not hesitate to contact your instructor to discuss it.
Course components
The in-class Exams will be on the following Wednesdays and Fridays:
4. Final Exam: There will be a cumulative Final Exam on Tuesday December 20, 7:45am to 9:45pm. The Final Exam has been scheduled by the University. You should not make travel arrangements until after this date, as no early Final Exams will be given. If you have a conflict (as defined by the University) let your instructor know in writing within the first three weeks of classes.
Course content: