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Math 101: Intermediate Algebra
(Diane Rivard)

Spring 2011

Lecturer: Diane Rivard
Email: rivard@math.wisc.edu
Phone: 262-2882
Office: 720 Van Vleck Hall

Math 101 meeting times: MWF 11:00 - 11:50 in Helen C White, 2nd floor

Office Hours: The office hours will be in Helen C. White, 2nd floor. The schedule is:

Mondays 1:00-4:20
Tuesdays 1:20-3:15
Wednesdays 1:00-2:15
Thursdays 1:20-2:10
Fridays 1:00-2:15

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, , ISBN 978-0-918091-90-1, D. Franklin Wright, Hawkes Publishing.

The book is available for purchase at the University Bookstore.

This class will be taught in the computer lab using a computer software. You will need the course code to access the course on line. It will be provided in class. More information about the course structure will be given in class.

Homework: 150 points
Practice tests: 100 points
3 Midterms: 450 points
Final Exam: 300 points

Late homework will be penalized 50% within 7 days of the due date and 90% beyond 7 days.
The following scale is for guaranteed grades in this class. For example if you get 90% you are guaranteed a letter grade of A. The boundaries might be lowered at my discretion:
A: 90% and above
B: 80% and above
C: 70% and above
D: 60% and above
F: under 60%

Exam 1: Chapters 1-3, Friday February 18, B107 Van Vleck
Exam 2: Chapters 4-6, Wednesday March 9, B107 Van Vleck
Exam 3:Chapters 7, 9, Friday April 15, B107 Van Vleck
Final Exam: Monday May 9, 5:05-7:05pm
  • FINAL EXAM is scheduled for Monday May 9. Please take note right away.
  • If you can not take the exam due to legitimate excuses, please send an e-mail to the instructor as soon as possible.
  • The final exam is scheduled by the university and cannot be rescheduled except under certain circumstance. There will be no early final exam.

    Getting Help
    The first step should be to use office hours. If you can't make the office hours, send me an email to set up an appointment. You should also check out the following resources:

    • Mathematics Tutorial Program A free small-group tutorial program in Van Vleck. Very structured, requires a time commitment by students.
    • Math Lab A free drop-in tutorial program in Van Vleck staffed by TAs and undergraduate tutors.
    • GUTS A free student-run program covering a variety of subjects. Staffed mostly by student volunteers.
    • List of Private Tutors

    An email Classlist has been created for important announcements about this course. Your @wisc.edu or @students.wisc.edu email address is the one that will be used for the list, as well as all other official communication from the University, so check your email frequently. Also check your Junk Mail folder regularly, as some ClassList mail may end up there!