Former graduate students:

  •  Keith Rush (PhD, December 16, 2016, Thesis: "Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle: Steklov problems and weight perturbations"), now at Google.
  •  Liban Mohamed (PhD, December 9, 2020, Thesis: "Schrodinger scattering: perturbative theory and Menchov-Rademacher theorem application"), now at MITRE.
  •  Michel Alexis (PhD, May 2021, Thesis: "The Steklov problem for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and Krein systems generated by an A_2 weights"), postdoc at  McMaster, postdoc at Bonn, tenure-track Assistant Professor at Clemson University (starting in 2026).
  • Jaeun Park (PhD, April 29, 2022, Thesis: "The two-dimensional incompressible Euler equation on an infinite cylinder").

Former postdoctoral mentees:



REU mentees and their projects: