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Group Activities: logistics

Applied Math 205 involves group activities, where groups of 1–3 students will collaborate on a short assignment. These are worth 6% of the total course grade.

The activities are each worth 1.5% and are graded on participation only. Students can attend any number, but four are required for full credit.

Sign-up procedures

Each group activity will have a Doodle poll sign-up link for several proposed times. After the first week of class, the sign-up deadlines will be 11:59pm two days before the first proposed activity time. After then, you may email the activity leaders to see if there is available space.

The teaching staff will run one or more sessions, and will try to evenly distribute students among the sessions. We may not be able to accommodate everyone's preferences, and we apologize if you cannot make any available session.

Report submission

Each group activity will require students to submit a short writeup. This can be completed in groups of 1–3 students. The writeup should list the names of the students in the group. It is only necessary for one student to submit the writeup.

Each activity will have an corresponding assignment on the course Canvas page where writeups can be submitted. There will be three tries to submit in total. The teaching staff may reject a submitted writeup and provide feedback if the writeup is incomplete or incorrect, after which students can resubmit.

The writeup deadline for the first submission will be set to 5pm ET nine days after the last workshop time that was proposed. If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, it will be pushed to the next regular work day. If the deadline is missed, this will count as an incomplete first submission.

Second and third submissions can submitted up until the final project deadline date, although we encourage that subsequent tries are submitted promptly.

Participation is a crucial part of the group activities. You must have attended a session in order to receive credit in it. It is not sufficient to submit a writeup for an activity where you did not attend the session.

Group activity materials

Slides and documents from the workshops will be uploaded to the course website. Associated code will appear in the AM205 group activities Git repository. Edited recordings of some of the Zoom sessions will be uploaded to Canvas and will be available to students only.

Participation bonus

If you complete an additional K workshops beyond four, this provides a K×1% credit, and the final project grade percentage is reduced by K×1%.

In other words, each additional group activity beyond four replaces 1% of the final project grade with full credit. This bonus will be applied manually by the teaching staff when the final project grade is calculated.