Shiva Chidambaram

Portrait picture Van Vleck Hall
Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Email: chidambaram3 at wisc dot edu
Office: 322
Pronouns: he/him

I am a Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously, I was a Research Scientist at MIT in the Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation. My research interests are in arithmetic geometry and algebraic number theory focusing on Galois representations, and moduli spaces of curves and abelian varieties, with a keen interest in explicit methods.

My postdoc mentor at UW-Madison is Jordan Ellenberg. My PIs at MIT were Bjorn Poonen and Drew Sutherland.
I received my PhD from the University of Chicago under the guidance of Frank Calegari.
I completed my Bachelors and Masters from IISER Pune. Here is my CV.

I am organising the Number Theory/Representation Theory seminar at UW-Madison, which meets weekly on Thursdays 2:25-3:25 pm.



  1. Mod \(p\) Galois representations not arising from abelian varieties.
    J. Number Theory 259C (2024) pp. 219-237 [pdf] [arXiv] [Journal]
    Here is an exposition of the work by Frank Calegari.
  2. Fekete polynomials of principal Dirichlet characters, with Ján Mináč, Tung T. Nguyen and Nguyen Duy Tân.
    To appear in J. Exp. Math. [arXiv]
  3. Computing isogeny classes of typical principally polarized abelian surfaces over the rationals, with R. van Bommel, E. Costa and J. Kieffer.
    LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, 187-214. Contemporary Mathematics, 796. [pdf] [arXiv] [Journal]
    Github repo.
  4. Rational points on hyperelliptic Atkin-Lehner quotients of modular curves and their coverings, with N. Adžaga, T. Keller and O. Padurariu.
    Fifteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS XV), Research in Number Theory 8 (2022) no.4, Paper No. 87, 24 pp. [pdf] [arXiv] [Journal]
    Github repo containing relevant Magma codes.
  5. Quadratic Chabauty for Atkin-Lehner Quotients of Modular Curves of Prime Level and Genus 4, 5, 6, with N. Adžaga, V. Arul, L. Beneish, M. Chen, T. Keller and B. Wen.
    Acta Arithmetica 208 (2023), p 15-49. [pdf] [arXiv] [Journal]
    Github repo containing relevant Magma codes.
  6. Rationality of twists of the Siegel modular variety of genus 2 and level 3, with F. Calegari.
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (150) 2022, p 1975-1984. [pdf] [arXiv] [Journal]
    Magma code and output.
    Here is an exposition of our work by Frank Calegari.
  7. Abelian surfaces with fixed 3-torsion, with F. Calegari and D. Roberts.
    pp. 91--108, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS-XIV), edited by Steven Galbraith, Open Book Series 4, Mathematical Sciences Publishers, Berkeley, 2020. [pdf] [arXiv] [Journal]
    Mathematica codes.
    Here are the slides of my talk at ANTS-XIV. Here is an exposition of our work by Frank Calegari.
  8. Some modular abelian surfaces, with F. Calegari and A. Ghitza.
    Mathematics of Computation (89) 2020, no. 321, p 387-394. [pdf] [arXiv] [Journal]


  1. Probablistic determination of mod-3 Galois images of abelian surfaces over the rationals.
    [pdf] [arXiv]
    Github repo containing relevant Magma codes.
  2. Galois images of Picard curves, with P. Goodman.
    Here are the slides of my talk at JMM 2023 (a bit outdated), and slides from PANTS 2023.


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Chicago


Useful links

Other things of interest

