Botong Wang

Botong Wang

  Associate Professor
  Department of Mathematics
  University of Wisconsin-Madison
  Email: wang at
  Office: Van Vleck Hall 403



  B.S, Peking University, 2002-2006

  Ph.D, Purdue University, 2006-2012


  Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2021-now

  Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2017-2021

  Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2016-2017

  Postdoc, KU Leuven, Fall 2015

  Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame, 2012-2015


  I am on leave at IAS for the 24-25 academic year.

Here are the previous courses I have taught at Madison.


I am interested in the topology of algebraic varieties, and its interaction with combinatorics and algebraic statistics. I am currently interested in the following topics.
  • Hodge theory for matroids
  • The topological aspects of algebraic optimization problems
  • Singer-Hopf conjectures, topological generic vanishing theorems, and the relations to hyperbolicity

    Seminars and Conferences

    Preprints and Publications

    Lecture notes