M771 Set Theory

Here are some books on set theory:
setbib.tex .. setbib.pdf

Textbook: Jech, Set Theory, 3rd Millenium edition


w 1-21 6.2  V_w is countable
f 1-23 6.4  rank of {x,y},etc + V_{w+w} models ZFC-replacement

m 1-26 7.6  U uf bdd real sequences have U-limits
w 1-28 7.8  P-pt on poset restricts to w or w* subset
f 1-30 7.9  U ramsey iff every f is 1-1 or constant mod U

m 2-2  7.24 + 7.25  geq k many uf on ba of size k
w 2-4  8.2  set of alpha closed under f is club
f 2-6  8.5  every stat S in w1 contains closed subsets of arb high o-type

m 2-9  9.1  every poset contains inf chain or antichain
w 2-11 9.4  not k -> (w)^w_2
f 2-13 9.3  w1 -> (w1, w+1)^2

m 2-16 9.6  nice subtrees of alpha^ leq beta
w 2-18 9.5  konigs tree lemma
f 2-20 9.10  push-down proof of delta-system lemma

m 2-23 10.5  normal uf iff d(x)=x is least mod U
w 2-25 10.6  homog set for push down colorings
f 2-27 11.2  disjoint oper A gives Borel set

m 3-1  no exercis
w 3-3  11.5  sets with Baire prop trapped between Gdelta Fsigma
f 3-5  no class

m 3-8  11.7  vitali set not prop of Baire
w 3-10 12.12 k inacc implies  club set of alpha Valpha models ZFC
f 3-12 12.13 H_k models ZFC - powerset

m 3-22 13.7  X is finite is Delta_1
w 3-29 13.9  well-ord of OR x OR is Delta_0
f 4-02 13.22 L_k model of ZFC-Powerset

m 4-05 no assignment
w 4-07 7.27  cBa satisfy infinite distributive laws and deMorgan laws
f 4-09 14.12 || exist x in y  phi(x) ||

m 4-12 14.13  || x in y || = 0,1 for canonical names.
w 4-13 no assignment
f 4-15 14.11  generic uf on B meets every M-partition

m 4-19 14.14  generic uf's are M-complete
w 4-21 14.1   sufficient every p,q in G are compatible