M221 Calculus  A.Miller

Exam 1  Thur  Oct 10    7:15pm-9:15pm (evening)

You will be in one of the two rooms
 1310 Sterling   or  165 Bascom
according to which TA you have.

Bring your Student Identification.

You will be handing in your exam to your TA
so please go to the correct room.


421 Cheng, Jingrui          TR 07:45 AM  08:35 AM  B333 VAN VLECK
422 Cheng, Jingrui          TR 08:50 AM  09:40 AM  4314 SOC SCI
424 Lynch, John             TR 09:55 AM  10:45 AM  4322 SOC SCI
429 Lynch, John             TR 01:20 PM  02:10 PM  120  INGRAHAM

You exam room is:
1310 Sterling     (Physics building South-West of Van Vleck)


426 Powers, Michael         TR 11:00 AM  11:50 AM  1333 STERLING
427 Powers, Michael         TR 12:05 PM  12:55 PM  6322 SOC SCI
430 Soule, Michelle         TR 01:20 PM  02:10 PM  6102 SOC SCI
431 Soule, Michelle         TR 02:25 PM  03:15 PM  B135 VAN VLECK
432 Charles, Zachary        TR 07:45 AM  08:35 AM  B321 VAN VLECK
433 Charles, Zachary        TR 02:25 PM  03:15 PM   115 INGRAHAM

You exam room is:
165 Bascom        (Adminstration building East of Van Vleck)


No notes, no calculators, no electronic devices.

You need only bring a pencil or pen.

The first question on the exam will be:

1. State and prove the product rule of differentiation. Use
complete sentences and correct grammar. Assume that the reader
is an intelligent person who knows the rules of limits and the
definition of the derivative but nothing more.

The other problems on the exam will be similar to randomly chosen
homework exercises from book, moodle, or extra.pdf.
