Department of Mathematics

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Analysis Seminar

Spring semester, 2001


The seminar will meet

Wednesdays from 4:00 - 5:00 PM


Fridays from 1:20 -2:30 PM

In B211 Van Vleck Hall


Please contact if you wish to schedule a talk,

or add or remove your name from the list of those receiving weekly announcements.


Current Spring 2001 Schedule


Friday, February 2:          Finnur Larusson, University of Western Ontario--  "Abstract homotopy theory and Gromov’s Oka principle" (This talk will be at 2:25 PM instead of 1:20, in B215 Van Vleck Note the change of time and room)


Friday, February 9           Daniel Tataru, Northwestern--  "Strong unique continuation for second order elliptic equations" (Daniel Tataru will also give the Departmental colloquium the same day. His colloquium title is "The nonlinear wave equation".)


Thursday, February 15    Carlos Kenig, University of Chicago, will give a Departmental colloquium. The title is "On the ill-posedness of some canonical dispersive equations". Time and room will be announced.


Friday, February 16         Sarah Ziesler, Dominican University--   "Restriction Theorems and Decay for Flat Surfaces"


Wednesday, February 21 Patrick Speissegger, UW-Madison--    "Normalization in quasianalytic Denjoy-Carleman classes (I)"


Friday February 23          Patrick Speissegger, UW-Madison--    "Normalization in quasianalytic Denjoy-Carleman classes (II)"


Friday, March 2              Andreas Seeger, UW-Madison--          "On the number of lattice points in large convex bodies"


Friday, March 9              Adam Coffman, IU Purdue Fort Wayne--         "Normal forms for some CR singularities"


Week of March 12 – 16            Spring break


Wednesday, March 21     Akos Magyar, UW-Madison--             "Some L^q bounds for the wave operator on the flat torus"


Wednesday, March 28     Jim Wright, University of Edinburgh--    “Distributional and L^q norm inequalities for polynomials over convex bodies in R^n”


Wednesday, April 4         Carlos Perez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid--        “Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities without derivatives”


Friday, April 6                 Jean-Pierre Rosay, UW-Madison--      “Poletsky disks in complex manifolds”


Wednesday, April 11       Sidney Webster, University of Chicago--          “Characteristic flows on real hypersurfaces”


Monday, April 16            Terry Tao, UCLA--     "L^p estimates for averages along curves"

Note the special day. The talk will be at 1:20 PM in B325 Van Vleck Hall. He will also speak on “Hermitian Matrices and Honeycombs” in the Lie algebra Seminar on Tuesday, April 17, at 2:25 PM in B219 Van Vleck, and will speak on "The Kakeya Problem in Harmonic Analysis" in the Departmental Colloquium on Wednesday, April 18 at 4:00 PM.


Wednesday, April 25       Rudolfo Torres,            University of Kansas-- "Multilinear Calderon Zygmund theory"


Wednesday, May 2         Yong-Geun Oh, UW-Madison--          "Holomorphic volume preserving maps and special Lagrangian submanifolds" 


Friday, May 4                 Scipio Cuccagna--        "Asymptotic stability of special solitary waves for Schrödinger equations"


Friday, May 11                Andreea Nicoara, Princeton University--           "Global results for dbar-b on weakly pseudoconvex CR manifolds embedded in C^N and of higher codimension"


Week of May 14 – 18