Analysis Seminar

Spring Semester, 2000


Wednesdays, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, in B119 Van Vleck.

Exceptions to the regular schedule are noted with a *.









January 18*

Greg Buzzard

Henon maps and structural stability

January 26

Andreas Seeger

Endpoint bounds for rough operators

February 2

Sergei Ivashkovich

Existence of complete hyperbolic neighborhoods

in almost-complex manifolds

February 9

James Wright

Endpoint results for Marcinkiewicz type multipliers

February 16

Gabor Francsics

Waves and complex hyperbolic spaces

February 21*

Walter Hayman

Normal families and final sets

February 22*

Sergey Pinchuk

Reflection principle in higher dimensions

March 2*

Alexandre Sukhov

Segre varieties and Lie symmetries

March 8*

Alexander Nagel

Fourier analysis on variants of the Heisenberg group

March 15

No Seminar

Spring Break

March 22

Alexander Nagel

Fourier analysis on variants of the Heisenberg group(II)

March 30*

Salah Baouendi

When is a formal mapping convergent and why should one care?

April 4*

Jasna Prezelj

Embeddings of Stein manifolds with interpolation on discrete sets

April 5

Sergei Ivashkovich

Seiberg-Witten invariants and analytic disks attached to strictly pseudoconvex boundaries

April 12

Lee Stout

Boundary values and degree

April 18*

R. Narasimhan

Immersions of parallelizable Stein manifolds

April 20*

Dror Varolin

Shears, sl_2 representations, and automorphisms of the affine quadric

x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1

April 26

Michael Greenblatt

Singular Radon transforms, finite-type conditions, and the general Calderon-Zygmund theory

April 27*

Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein

Shortwave asymptotics of the information entropy of the quantum Toda chain

May 3

Alexei Krioukov

Complex extensions of Riemannian manifolds

May 4*

Mihalis Kolountzakis

The Fourier analysis of translational tilings and related problems