Registration Form
Conference on Singular and Oscillatory Integrals
January 7 11, 1999, Madison Wisconsin
Name: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________
A $20 registration fee collected at the Conference will help defray the cost of refreshments.
Number of people in your party (the cost is $22/person):__________
Number of people in your party who want the following entrée--
Boneless breast of chicken stuffed with shallots & mushrooms:__________
Herbed barley casserole with portabella mushroom caps:__________
Name of your thesis advisor:__________________________________________________
Date (or expected date) of your Ph.D. degree:____________________________________
Title or subject of your thesis:_________________________________________________
Your Mailing Address:______________________________________________________
Please print this form, fill it out and mail the completed form to:The deadline for registration is December 11, 1998.