Math 521 Analysis I, Spring 2016
Our subject this semester
Real Analysis deals with the notion of limits and convergence, either
of numbers, or vectors, or sequences of functions. To deal with
“convergence” in these different contexts we will
introduce the theory of metric spaces early on in the
semester. Following that we study convergence of sequences and series
of real numbers and vectors. We then revisit the theory of
differentiation and integration of functions of one variable. Our
last topic will be convergence of sequences of functions, where one
can distinguish between pointwise convergence, uniform convergence,
convergence in the mean. See also
Department page for Math 521. In Rudin's book this material is
in Chapters 1-7.
Angenent, 609 Van Vleck Hall.
Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis,
3rd edition, McGraw-Hill.
Grades and exams
Homework (see below)
will be assigned weekly. There will be three in-class midterm exams
and one cumulative final exam.
Grading scheme
Homework 10%, midterm exams 20% each, final
exam 30%. A letter grade will be determined according to
this tentative set of cut offs:
Exam Dates
- Exam 1 : Friday February 19 (week 4)
- Exam 2 : Wednesday March 16 (week 8)
- Exam 3 : Friday April 22 (week 12)
- Final Exam : Wednesday, May 11, 10:05am-12:05pm
Office hours, Email, Piazza
Email is not a good medium for
mathematical discussion, and as the enrollment in our class has
reached 40, office hours are not an effective way for answering
mathematical questions about differential equations. Instead, please
direct all your questions
to the
Piazza page for our course. I will check Piazza daily. You
can post questions, answer other students’ questions, chime in
(“I had the same question”), and browse old questions and
answers. You can post questions anonymously to the other students, if
you like.
Weekly Lecture Schedule
Chapters and sections refer to Rudin’s textbook.
Week 1: Chapter 1. The real number system, extended reals, Euclidean space.
Week 2: Chapter 1. Schwarz inequality in
$\R^n$. Chapter 2. Countable and uncountable sets, metric spaces.
Week 3: Chapter 2. Properties of open and closed
sets. Compact sets in a metric space.
Week 4: Chapter 2. Compact sets in a metric space.
Connected sets.
Week 5: Chapter 3. Sequences, subsequences, Cauchy sequences.
Week 6: Chapter 3. Monotone sequences, limsup and liminf.
Week 7: Chapter 3. Series.
Week 8: Chapter 4. Limits and continuity for functions.
Spring break March 21-25.
Week 9: Chapter 4. Discontinuities of monotone
functions. Chapter 5. Derivative.
Week 10: Chapter 6. Riemann-Stieltjes integral:
definition and basic properties.
Week 11: Chapter 6. Riemann-Stieltjes integral:
criteria for integrability, step function
Week 12: Chapter 6. Riemann-Stieltjes integral:
differentiable integrator, change of variables. Differentiation
and integration.
Week 13: Expectations of random variables as
Riemann-Stieltjes integrals. Informal discussion of Riemann
versus Lebesgue integration. Chapter 7. Pointwise and uniform
convergence of sequences of functions.
Week 14: Chapter 7. Compactness in $C(X)$.
Weierstrass approximation theorem.
Week 15: Chapter 7. Finish Weierstrass approximation
theorem. Separability of $C([a,b])$. Chapter 4. Intermediate
Value Theorem.
Weekly homework assignments will be
posted here. They are due in class
on Monday.
Academic Integrity. You are encouraged to exchange
thoughts with other students, but in the end you must write and hand
in your own personal solutions. Solutions (some correct, some not)
to many problems in Rudin’s book are easily Googled. Handing
in plagiarized work, whether copied from a fellow student or off the
web, is not acceptable.
the UW website on Academic integrity.
Homework is collected in class each Monday. Late papers
will not be accepted for any reason.
What should homework look like? Solving math problems
is done in two stages. First you figure out the solution. This
involves lots of cheap scratch paper, erasers, and a trash bin.
Once you have figured out the solution, you write it up. Keep the
following points in mind when you write up your solution:
- Use proper English: write in complete English
sentences. Mathematical formulas should be embedded in
complete sentences.
- Your solutions should make sense when read from top
to bottom. The grader will interpret your solution according to
what you wrote, not what you meant.
- Explain all notation you use if it is not in the
- Practice being concise: is there a shorter way to write
what you just wrote?
Finally, about the physical form of the work you hand in: staple
your pages together and put the problems in correct order. Do not
use paper torn out of a binder. Be neat: there should not be
things crossed out or ugly eraser marks. Messy or unreadable
papers cannot be graded.
“How much detail should I include?” You
will invariably run into a situation where you are not sure about
whether some fact can be taken for granted or whether it needs to
be proved. In that case the safe alternative is to give a
justification. You can put such technical lemmas in an appendix
at the end of your solution to avoid interrupting the main flow of
your argument.
Rule of thumb: if the grader needs pencil&paper to
check something you claim, you should have proved it.