Math 521 Analysis I, Spring 2016

Homework assignments

Here are some comments on selected homework problems.
Homework 1 All problems were from chapter 1.
Homework 2 due Monday, February 1.

In this solution the following version of the Archimedean property is used: for any $x>0$ there is a positive integer $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $10^{-n}\lt x$. That is not exactly the Archimedean property as stated in Rudin’s book. In fact proving that this version also is true is practice problem 7a for the first midterm.

Homework 3

Is $\mathbb Q$ an open subset of $\R$? No. Proof: $0$ is not an interior point of $\mathbb{Q}$ because every interval $(-r, r)$ contains an irrational number. (For example, given $r\gt0$, choose $n\in\mathbb{N}$ so large that $\frac1n\sqrt2 \lt r$.)

Is $\mathbb{Q}$ a closed subset of $\R$? No. For example, $\sqrt2$ is a limit point of $\mathbb Q$, because every interval $\bigl(\sqrt2-r, \sqrt2+r\bigr)$ contains a rational number (Rudin, theorem 1.20b, “$\mathbb Q$ is dense in $\R$”).

Does $\R\setminus\mathbb Q$ have any interior points? No. Let $x\in\R\setminus\mathbb Q$ be given. Then every interval $(x-r, x+r)$ contains a rational number, no matter how you choose $r$. Therefore $x$ is not an interior point of $\R\setminus\mathbb Q$.

Is $\mathbb Z$ an open subset of $\R$? No. We have to disprove that every point in $\mathbb Z$ is an interior point, so we only have to show that one of the points in $\mathbb Z$ is not an interior point. For example, $0$ is not an interior point of $\mathbb Z$ because any interval $(-r, r)$ contains a noninteger.

Is $\mathbb Z$ a closed subset of $\R$? Yes. It is easiest to show that $\R\setminus\mathbb Z$ is open. Let $x\in\R\setminus\mathbb Z$ be given, and let $n$ be the integer for which $n\lt x\lt n+1$. Choose $r=\min(x-n, n+1-x)$. Then the interval $(x-r, x+r)$ is a neighborhood of $x$ which is contained in $\R\setminus\mathbb Z$, so that $x$ is an interior point of $\R\setminus\mathbb Z$.

Homework 4
Problem 1
Problem 2