Math 519–Ordinary Differential Equations

Course Syllabus


Sigurd Angenent, 609 Van Vleck Hall.

Lecture times and location

MoWeFr 8:50AM - 9:40AM Van Vleck B119


Students should know linear algebra or matrix algebra (at the level of either math 320, 340, 341, or 375), as well as some analysis (either math 375+376, 421, or 521).


V.I.Arnold, Ordinary Differential Equations, 3rd edition, Springer Verlag, 1992.

We will follow the book more or less, filling in gaps where the author assumes more than the prerequisites for this course. The book has problems which range from straightforward to really, really hard. Most homework will be assigned from the additional problems that appear on the Math 519 Problems Page.

Office hours, Email, Piazza

Email is not a good medium for mathematical discussion, and as the enrollment in our class has reached 40, office hours are not an effective way for answering mathematical questions about differential equations. Instead, please direct all your questions to the Piazza page for our course. I will check Piazza daily. You can post questions, answer other students’ questions, chime in (“I had the same question”), and browse old questions and answers. You can post questions anonymously to the other students, if you like.

Exams, homework

There will be two in–class midterm exams and one final exam. Homework will be assigned regularly below on this page. The midterms will be given on the following dates:

Grading scheme

Homework will count for 15%, the two midterms 25% each, and the final for 35%. A letter grade will be determined according to this tentative set of cut offs:
A≥92%,  AB≥86%,  B≥78%,  BC≥70%,  C≥60%,  D≥50%,  F≥0%.

Course description, topics