Matrix Algebra Glossary

Linear subspace

If $L$ is a set of vectors in $\R^n$, then $L$ is a linear subspace of $\R^n$ if
  1. for any two vectors $\vu\in L, \vv\in L$ the sum $\vu+\vv$ also belongs to $L$, and
  2. for any vector $\vv\in L$ and any number $c$, the vector $c\vv$ also belongs to $L$.

To span

Vectors $\vv_1, \cdots, \vv_k$ span a linear subspace $L$ of $\R^n$ if every vector in $L$ is a linear combination of the vectors $\vv_1, \cdots, \vv_k$.

Linear independence

Vectors $\vv_1, \cdots, \vv_k$ are linearly independent if the only solution to \[ c_1\vv_1 + \cdots + c_k\vv_k = 0 \] is \[ c_1=\cdots=c_k=0. \] If $\vv_1, \dots, \vv_k$ are linearly independent, then any vector $\vx$ can be written in at most one way as a linear combination \[ \vx=x_1 \vv_1+ \cdots + x_k\vv_k \] i.e. \[ x_1\vv_1 + \cdots + x_k\vv_k = \bar x_1\vv_1 + \cdots + \bar x_k\vv_k \] implies $x_1=\bar x_1$, … , $x_k=\bar x_k$.


Vectors $\vv_1$, …, $\vv_n$ form a basis for a linear subspace $L$ if they are linearly independent, and if they span $L$.


The dimension of a linear subspace $L$ of $\R^n$ is the number of vectors in a basis for $L$.

Note: in mathematical usage this word is always in the singular: you say “the dimension of $L$ is 3,” but not “$L$ has three dimensions.”

Solution space

The solution space of a set of homogeneous linear equations $A\vx=\vzero$ is the set of all vectors $\vx$ that satisfy the equation. The solution space is always a linear subspace of $\R^n$. This notion is only used for homogeneous equations.

Eigenvalues and vectors

Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ matrix.
Definition. $\vv$ is an eigenvector for $A$ with eigenvalue $\lambda$ if $\vv\neq 0$ and $A\vv=\lambda \vv$.
Theorem. The eigenvalues are the roots of the characteristic polynomial $\det\bigl(A-\lambda I\bigr)$, i.e. they are the solutions of the equation $\det\bigl(A-\lambda I\bigr)=0$.
Theorem. Let $1\leq k\leq n$. If $\vv_1$, …, $\vv_k$ are eigenvectors for a matrix $A$ whose corresponding eigenvalues $\lambda_1$, …, $\lambda_k$, are pairwise distinct, then $\{\vv_1, \ldots, \vv_k\}$ is linearly independent.
If the $n\times n$ matrix $A$ has $n$ distinct eigenvalues then any set of corresponding eigenvectors $\{\vv_1, \vv_2, \ldots, \vv_n\}$ is a basis for $\R^n$.

Eigenvectors of symmetric matrices

Eigenvectors with different eigenvalues are normally not perpendicular to each other. However, there is one important special case in which this does happen:
Theorem. If the matrix $A$ is symmetric and if $\vv$ and $\vw$ are eigenvectors whose corresponding eigenvalues $\lambda$ and $\mu$ are different, then $\vv\perp \vw$.
For every symmetric matrix $A$ one can find a set of eigenvectors $\{\vv_1, \ldots , \vv_n\}$ that forms an orthonormal basis of $\R^n$.


General Solution (for linear equations)

The general solution of a linear system of equations $A\vx=\vb$ is a formula containing a number of parameters such that any choice of the parameters gives you a solution to $A\vx=\vb$, and such that every solution can be found by choosing appropriate values of the parameters.

General Solution (for a differential equation)

The general solution of a linear differential equation \[ y^{(n)}(t) + p_1(t)y^{(n-1)}(t) + \cdots + p_{n-1}(t) y'(t) + p_n(t) y(t)= f(t) \] or \[ \vx'(t) = A\vx(t) + \vf(t) \] is a formula containing a number of parameters (usually called $c_1$, $c_2$, etc.) such that any choice of the parameters gives you a solution to the equation, and such that every solution can be found by choosing appropriate values of the parameters.

A Formula is not an Equation

Sadly, the words formula and equation are frequently confused.


A group of symbols representing a mathematical object. E.g. “$2+3$,” or “$\sqrt{x^2+1}$,” or “$y''(t)+\sin(t)y(t)$”.


An equation equates. An equation is a group of symbols expressing that two formulas are equal. E.g. “$(x-1)(x+1) = x^2-1$,” or “$2x+y=17$.”

An equation always contains an equality sign. It is incorrect to call “$2x+3$” an equation; “$2x+3$” is a formula.