Math 519–About the 1st midterm
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Sample problems
- Find all solutions of $\dot x = x^2-x$, $x(0)=0$.
- Find all solutions of $\dot x = \sqrt{|x|}$, $x(0)=0$.
- Find a Lipschitz constant for the function
$f(t, x) = x^2$ in the region $0\le t\le T$, $|x|\le M$.
- Find a Lipschitz constant for the function
$f(t, x) = x(\sin(t)-x^2)$ in the region $0\le t\le 2\pi$, $|x|\le M$.
- Consider the function $f(x) = \sqrt{|x|}$.
- Is $f$ Lipschitz continuous in the region $|x|\le 1$?
- Let $\delta\in(0, 1)$ be some constant. Find a Lipschitz constant for the function $f$ in the region $\delta\le x\le 1$.
- Is the function $f(x) = x(1-\sqrt{|x|})$ Lipschitz continuous in the region $|x|\le 1$?
- Let $\delta\in(0, 1)$ be some constant. Find a Lipschitz constant for the function $f(x) = \{\delta +x^2\}^{1/4}$ in the region $|x|\le 1$.
f(t, x) =
x^2-x & 0\le t \le 1 \\
2x & 1\le t\le 2
satisfy the Lipschitz condition in the existence and uniqueness theorem in the region $0\le t\le 2$, $|x|\le 1$?
Let $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ be two solutions of
\dot x= f(t, x)
on the interval $0\le t \le T$. Assume that $f$ satisfies the Lipschitz
condition with Lipschitz constant $L$. Show that
|x(t) - y(t)| \le e^{+Lt} |x(0) - y(0)|
and also that
|x(t) - y(t)| \ge e^{-Lt} |x(0) - y(0)|
for $0\le t\le T$.
- For each of the following initial value problems decide if the
solution exists for all $t\ge 0$, or only on a finite time interval
$0\le t\lt T$.
- $\dot x = x(1-x)$, $x(0) = \frac12$
- $\dot x = -x(1-x)$, $x(0) = \frac12$
- $\dot x = -x(1-x)$, $x(0) = 2$
- $\dot x = x^2(1-x^5)$, $x(0) = \frac12$
- $\dot x = x(2+\sin(t)-x)$, $x(0) = 1$
Note that for some of these problems $x_*(t)=0$ and/or $x_\dagger(t)=1$ are a
special solution. You can use this fact together with the
uniqueness theorem to conclude that the solution you are looking
at has to stay in some region of the $(t,x)$ plane.
- Find and solve the variational equation in the following cases.
- $\dot x = x(1-x)$, $x(0)=\alpha$, at the given solution $\bar x(t) = 1$.
- $\dot x = x(1-x^3)$, $x(0)=\alpha$, at the given solution $\bar x(t) = 1$.
- $\dot x = x(1-x)^3$, $x(0)=\alpha$, at the given solution $\bar x(t) = 1$.
- $\dot x = \alpha x$, $x(0)=1$, at the given solution $\bar x(t)=e^{t}$, $\alpha=1$.
- $\dot x = -\alpha x^2$, $x(0)=1$, at the given solution $\bar x(t)=1/(1+t)$, $\alpha=1$.
- A logistic equation with harvesting. A fish population in
a large lake, left to itself, would grow according to $\dot x = x^2(1-x)$.
In addition the natural birth and death in the population, fish are also
being caught at a rate $h(t)$ (the “harvesting rate”). Thus the
differential equation for the fish population which takes harvesting into
account is
\dot x = x^2(1-x) - h(t).
In the following questions you investigate the effect of a small amount of
harvesting on a steady fish population.
- “Steady harvesting.”
$\dot x = x^2(1-x) - \alpha$, $x(0) = 1$, at the given solution $\bar
x(t) = 1$, and at $\alpha=0$.
- “Periodic harvesting.” $\dot x = x^2(1-x) - \alpha\sin
\bigl(\frac{2\pi}{T} t\bigr)$, $x(0) = 1$, at the given solution $\bar
x(t) = 1$, and at $\alpha=0$. Here $T\gt0$ is a positive constant (it may
be simpler to abbreviate $k=2\pi/T$.)
- Draw the bifurcation diagrams for the differential equation
$\dot x = f(a, x)$ for the following right hand sides $f$. In each
case find all bifurcation points and determine if they are
“standard bifurcations” or not.
- $f(a, x) = x^2 - a$
- $f(a, x) = x^2 - ax$
- $f(a, x) = x^3 - ax$
- $f(a, x) = x^4 - ax$
- $f(a, x) = x^3-ax+1$
- $f(a, x) = \sin(x)-ax$
- $f(a, x) = ax-x^3+x^5$ (see also problem 3, page 46/47).
- $f(x,a) = e^x-ax$
- $f(x,a) = e^{ax}-x^2$
- $f(x,a) = \ln(x) - ax$
- Assume that $(x_0,a_0)$ is a fold point
in the bifurcation diagram for the differential equation $\dot x = f(x,a)$.
Thus $f=f_x=0$ and $f_a\ne 0$, $f_{xx}\ne 0$ at $(x_0,a_0)$. Let the
bifurcation set near $(x_0, a_0)$ be given by $a=a(x)$. Find an expression
for $a'''(x_0)$ in terms $f$ and its derivatives at $(x_0,a_0)$.