State the uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations of the form $\dot x = f(t, x)$.
State the definition for the Poincaré map of a differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$, where $f$ satisfies $f(t+T, x) = f(t, x)$ for all
$t,x$, and where the uniqueness theorem applies to $\dot x = f(t, x)$.
Let $\phi$ be the Poincaré map for the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$. Assume that $\bar x(t)$ is a given solution with $\bar x(0)=a$.
What is $\phi(a)$?
Explain which linear differential equation you have to solve to compute $\phi'(a)$. Provide details.
Let $\phi$ be the Poincaré map for the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$. Suppose $f(t+T, x) = f(t, x)$ for all $t,x$, and suppose that $\bar x(t)$ is a
periodic solution with period $3T$. Prove that $\bar x(t)$ is actually periodic with period $T$.
Let $\phi$ be the Poincaré map for the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$ with $f(t+T, x) = f(t, x)$ for all $t,x$. Suppose that we are given a bounded
solution $\bar x(t)$, i.e. a solution for which there is a number $M$ such that $|\bar x(t)|\le M$ for all $t\ge 0$.
Show that $\lim_{n\to\infty} \bar x(nT)$ exists
Prove that the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$ has a periodic solution.
Show that $x(nT) = \phi\Bigl(\dots \phi\bigl(x(0)\bigr)\dots\Bigr)$ for a solution $x(t)$ of a differential equation $\dot x=f(t, x)$ with $f(t+T,x) = f(t, x)$ (i.e.
prove the iteration theorem.)