Math 519–About the 2nd midterm

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The second midterm covers all material in the section on the Poincaré map, as well as the problems concerning the variational equation. Specifically,

Sample questions about the proofs

  1. State the uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations of the form $\dot x = f(t, x)$.
  2. State the definition for the Poincaré map of a differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$, where $f$ satisfies $f(t+T, x) = f(t, x)$ for all $t,x$, and where the uniqueness theorem applies to $\dot x = f(t, x)$.
  3. Let $\phi$ be the Poincaré map for the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$. Assume that $\bar x(t)$ is a given solution with $\bar x(0)=a$.
    1. What is $\phi(a)$?
    2. Explain which linear differential equation you have to solve to compute $\phi'(a)$. Provide details.
  4. Let $\phi$ be the Poincaré map for the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$. State and prove the theorem on monotonicity of the Poincaré map
  5. Let $\phi$ be the Poincaré map for the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$. Suppose $f(t+T, x) = f(t, x)$ for all $t,x$, and suppose that $\bar x(t)$ is a periodic solution with period $3T$. Prove that $\bar x(t)$ is actually periodic with period $T$.
  6. Let $\phi$ be the Poincaré map for the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$ with $f(t+T, x) = f(t, x)$ for all $t,x$. Suppose that we are given a bounded solution $\bar x(t)$, i.e. a solution for which there is a number $M$ such that $|\bar x(t)|\le M$ for all $t\ge 0$.
    1. Show that $\lim_{n\to\infty} \bar x(nT)$ exists
    2. Prove that the differential equation $\dot x = f(t, x)$ has a periodic solution.
  7. Show that $x(nT) = \phi\Bigl(\dots \phi\bigl(x(0)\bigr)\dots\Bigr)$ for a solution $x(t)$ of a differential equation $\dot x=f(t, x)$ with $f(t+T,x) = f(t, x)$ (i.e. prove the iteration theorem.)
  8. State and prove the Monotone Iterates Theorem.
  9. State the definition of asymptotic stability for a periodic solution of a differential equation.
  10. State (but do not prove) the criterion involving the Poincaré map for stability or instability of a periodic solution.