Study Guide for the 1st midterm

Chapter 1

You should:

Chapter 2: Limits

You should:

Chapter 3: Derivatives

You should:

A rant about Notation

When you write something it should mean something and you should mean it. Often people hand in a sheet filled with apparently unrelated formulas where the reader (i.e. the grader) has to figure out what the formulas have to do with each other.

For instance, when asked to find a limit like

limx -> 3 (x-x2)/(x-1)
some will simply write the following
limx -> 3 (x-x2)/(x-1)      x(1-x)/(x-1)
-x       -3
Whoever wrote this did not say that any of these formulas represent quantities that are equal to each other. It is hard to tell in which order these formulas were written down. We, the readers, have to guess what is meant.

One could write

limx -> 3 (x-x2)/(x-1) = limx -> 3 x(1-x)/(x-1) = limx -> 3   -x =-3.
If you write this then anyone can (1) see how you got your answer and (2) see that it is -3. Both are important.

See if you can tell what's wrong with the following

limx -> 3 (x-x2)/(x-1) = x(1-x)/(x-1) = -x = -3.
We will certainly subtract points for this type of writing so try your best.