Math 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes

The syllabus can be found here.

Required Text:  Rick Durrett: Essentials of Stochastic Processes.  Available on Prof. Durrett's website.  Note that you do not need to purchase a book.  We will cover most of the topics in the text (plus a few extra). 

Course content:  The course consists of Chapters 1-4 from Durrett's book: discrete time Markov chains, Poisson processes, renewal processes, and continuous time Markov chains.  I also hope to cover at least a portion of chapter 5, martingales.  Further, I will have some extra topics such as simulation and applications in biology.  The course will begin with a review of basic probability (though this is *not* a substitute for having taken math 431 or equivalent).

Exams and Grades:  Course grades will be based on homework (25%), two midterm exams (25% each), and a final exam (25%).  No calculators/computers/phones in the exams. 

Exam dates:  First exam date: Night of Monday, October 15th.  Room B139 (same as class).  Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm (show up at 7:15pm so you are not late!).
Second Exam Date: Night of Monday, December 3rd.  Room B139 (same as class).  Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm (show up at 7:15pm so you are not late!).  -- This exam covers Branching processes, Chapter 2 (Poisson processes), Chapter 3 (Renewal Processes), and Chapter 4 (CTMCs).

Overview: 632 is a survey of some important classes of stochastic processes: Markov chains in both discrete and continuous time, point processes, and renewal processes. The material is treated at a level that does not require measure theory. Consequently technical prerequisites needed for this course are light: calculus, linear algebra, and an introduction to probability (at the level of Math 431) are sufficient. However, the material is sophisticated, so a degree of intellectual maturity and a willingness to work hard are required. For this reason some 500-level work in mathematics is recommended for background, preferably in analysis (521).

Good knowledge of undergraduate probability at the level of UW-Madison Math 431 (or an equivalent course) is required. This means familiarity with basic probability models, random variables and their probability mass functions and distributions, expectations, joint distributions, independence, conditional probabilities, the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem.  If you need a thorough review of basic probability, the textbook A First Course in Probability (on reserve in math library) by Sheldon Ross is recommended.

In class we go through theory, examples to illuminate the theory, and techniques for solving problems.   I will lecture using the blackboard on some days, and will present slide presentations on others (it will depend on the material).

A typical advanced math course follows a strict theorem-proof format. 632 is not of this type. Mathematical theory is discussed in a precise fashion but only some results can be rigorously proved in class. This is a consequence of time limitations and the desire to leave measure theory outside the scope of this course. Interested students can find the proofs in the textbook. For a thoroughly rigorous probability course students should sign up for the graduate probability sequence 831-832.

Check out the Probability Seminar for talks on topics that might interest you.

Final exam information.  Topics covered:  entire course.    
Date: 12/18/12
Time: 2:45PM - 4:45PM

Instructions for homework:  Treat homework assignments as genuine writing assignments and strive for clarity, order and neatness. Justify nontrivial steps but get to the point without unnecessary rambling. Homework is due at a time to be determined.

Homework Assignments:
  1. HW 1, due Thursday, September 13th.  Exercises from text:  1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.45.
  2. HW 2, due Tuesday, September 25th.  Matlab code hereDUE DATE CHANGED TO THURSDAY, SEPT. 27TH.
  3. HW 3, due Thursday, October 11th. 
  4. HW4, due Thursday, October 25th.
  5. HW 5, due Tuesday, November 6th.  Note, this is a longer assignment than what you are used to.  Start early!
  6. HW 6, due Tuesday, November 27.
  7. HW7, suggested problems:  5.2, 5.3.

Fall 2012 Schedule: This schedule is tentative and is subject to change.  Section numbers refer to Durrett's book.

Sept. 4th
Topic: Intro to course, incredibly fast review of probability.  Slides.
Intro to DTMC.
Readings: Appendix A, Sections 1.1.
Sept. 6th
Topic: Discrete time Markov chains.
Readings: Sections 1.1 - 1.3.
Sept. 11th
Sections 1.3.
Sept. 13th  HW 1 Due.
Section 1.3.
Sept. 18th
Section 1.4, 1.5.
Sept. 20th
Section 1.5.
Sept. 25th
Section 1.5, 1.6.
Sept. 27th HW 2 Due.
Section 1.6, 1.7, 1.9.
Oct. 2nd
Sections 1.9.
Oct. 4th
Section 1.8, 1.9, 1.10.
Oct. 9th
Section 1.10: Branching processes.
Oct. 11th HW 3 Due.
Section 1.10: Branching Processes, and review for exam.
Oct. 16th  First exam on evenening of 15th: 7:30 - 9:30pm.
Class canceled due to exam prvious night.
Oct. 18th
Chapter 2.
Oct. 23rd
Chapter 2.
Oct. 25th HW 4 Due.
Chapter 2.
Oct. 30th
Chapter 3.
Nov. 1st
Chapters 3 and 4.
Nov. 6th HW 5 Due.
Section 4.1.
Nov. 8th
Section 4.1 and related topics.
Nov. 13th
Sections 4.1 and 4.2.  Start 4.3.
Nov. 15th
Section 4.3.
Nov. 20th
Section 4.3.
Nov. 22nd
Nov. 27th HW 6 Due.
Special topics on CTMCs (ergodic theory, positive recurrence, Birth and death processes.).
Nov. 29th
Topic 1: Birth and death processes -- Finish CTMCs.
Topic 2: Conditional expectations, definition of martingale, examples of martingales.
Readings: Sections 5.1, 5.2.
Dec. 4th Second exam on evenening of 3rd: 7:30 - 9:30pm.
Readings:  No class due to evening exam.
Dec. 6th
Readings: Sections 5.1, 5.2.
Dec. 11th
Readings: Sections 5.3, 5.4.
Dec. 13th
Readings: Section 5.5.