Andrew Zimmer

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Office: 611 Van Vleck
e-mail: amzimmer2[at]

[ cv | research | mentoring]

For graduate students:

I primarily focus on problems involving discrete subgroups of Lie groups and several complex variables, but I use techniques from many different areas of mathematics such as: geometric group theory, Riemannian geometry, hyperbolic dynamics, ergodic theory, ...

Here is a nice survey about the types of problems I think about in discrete subgroups of Lie groups:

Feel free to send me an email if you would like to talk about research in one of these areas.

Current graduate students:


My number one piece of advice: seek out advice about being a graduate student. Completing a Ph.D. in mathematics is a difficult task, but many people have done it and you can learn from their experiences. Not only should you talk to your peers and professors, but a lot of great advice can be found online, for instance:

For undergraduate students:

Undergraduate research:

Recently I have been mentoring undergraduates through the Madison Experimental Mathematics Lab. If you are an undergraduate interested in working closely with a professor to solve non-trivial math problems, you should check it out!

Asking for Letters:

Last updated: August 28, 2023.