Math 551 Elementary Topology (Fall 2014)
Lectures are by
Autumn Kent on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays
at 12:05-12:55 PM in Van Vleck B119.
Office hours
Office hours: 2:30 - 3:30 PM on Wednesdays in Van Vleck 615.
Topology (2nd Edition) by James Munkres.
Examinations and Homework
There will be several homework assignments, and 3 in-class
exams. The final grade will be roughly 25% for each in-class
exam, and 25% for homework.
The in-class exams are scheduled for October 1, November 12,
and December 12.
Homework is due in class on the due date.
- HW #1: Due Monday, Sep. 15: Section 1: 1, 2, 8, 10; Section 2: 1, 2, 4, 5;
- HW #2: Due Monday, Sep. 22: Section 3: 3, 4, 9; Section 5: 1; Section 6: 2, 3, 5, 6.
Honors Students: Section 6: 7.
- HW #3: Due Monday, Sep. 29: Section 7: 1, 2, 3, 4. Honors students: 7: 5, 6, 7.
(Honors students can turn these in later if more time needed).
- HW #4: Due Friday, Oct 17. Section 13: 1, 3, 4, 5, Section 16: 1, 3, 4, 6. Honors students:
Section 13: 7, Section 16: 9, 10.
- HW #5: Due Friday, Oct 24. Section 17: 6, 8 (a) and (b), 9, 11, 12, 13.
Honors students: Section 17: 8 (c), 19, 21
(Honors: first 2 due Oct 24, but number 21 due by November 26).
- HW #6: Due Friday, Oct 31. Section 18: 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12.
- HW #7: Due Friday, November 21. Section 20: 1,3; Section 21: 2, 3, 6, 8.
- HW #8: Due Friday, December 5. Section 23: 5,9; 24: 1, 2, 3. Section 26: 3.
- HW #9: Not to turn in. Section 26: 4, 5, 6; Section 27: 2, 6.
Brief lecture outline
- Week 1: September 1-5
- Syllabus and introduction.
- Munkres 1-1: Elementary set theory and logic.
- Week 2: September 8-12
- 1-2: Rule of assignments, functions, domain and range.
- 1-2: Injective, surjective, bijective functions.
- 1-2: Inverse images of sets in range under functions.
- 1-3: Relations and equivalence relations.
- 1-3: Order relations, order type, dictionary order.
- 1-3: Least upper bound (supremum). Greatest lower bound (infimum).
- Week 3: September 15-19
- 1-4: The real numbers, well-ordering property and induction.
- 1-5: Finite and countable Cartesian products.
- 1-6: Finite sets.
- 1-6: Proof that cardinality of a finite set is well-defined.
- 1-6: Finite unions and finite cartesian products of finte sets are finite.
- Week 4: September 22 - 26
- 1-7: Infinite sets, countably infinite sets.
- Countable unions of countable are countable.
- Finite products of countable sets are countable.
- {0,1}^{\omega} is uncountable.
- The real numbers are uncountable.
- Power set of X can never be in bijection with X.
- Week 5: September 29 - October 3
- Exam I: Wednesday, October 1. Location Van Vleck B119 in-class.
- Infinite sets and the Axiom of Choice.
- Week 6: October 6 - 10
- 2-12: Definition of a topology.
- Discrete and trivial topologies. 29 topologies on a 3 point set.
- Finer and coarser topologies.
- 2-13: Basis for a topology.
- Subbasis for a topology.
- 2-15: The Product Topology (finite products).
- 2-16: The Subspace Topology.
- Week 7: October 13 - 17
- 2-17: Closed sets.
- Interior and closure of subsets.
- Limit points.
- Hausdorff spaces.
- Week 8: October 20 - 24
- 2-18: Continuous functions.
- Homeomorphisms and embeddings.
- Rules for continuous functions.
- Pasting together continuous functions.
- Continuous maps into product spaces.
- Week 9: October 27 - October 31
- 2-19: Arbitrary Cartesian products.
- Comparison of Box and Product Topologies.
- 2-20: The metric topology.
- Triangle Inequality for R^n.
- Comparison of metric topologies, Euclidean vs. square metric.
- Week 10: November 3 - 7
- 2-21: Continuity in metric spaces.
- Theorem 21.1: epsilon-delta continuity for metric spaces.
- Theorem 21.3: Limit point definition of continuity.
- Theorem 21.6: Uniform Limit Theorem.
- Exam II Review.
- Week 11: November 10 - 14
- 2-22: The Quotient Topology
- Exam II: Wednesday, November 12. Location Van Vleck B119 in-class.
- 3-23: Connectedness.
- Week 12: November 17 - 21
- 3-23: Closure of connected set is connected.
- Image of connected set under continuous map is connected.
- Finite Cartesian product of connected spaces is connected.
- 3-24: The real line is connected, and so are intervals and rays.
- Intermediate value theorem.
- Path connectedness.
- The topologist's sine curve.
- Week 13: November 24 - 28
- 3-26: Compactness.
- Closed subspace of compact space is compact.
- Compact subspace of Hausdorff space is closed.
- Image of compact set under continuous map is compact.
- The product of finitely many compact spaces is compact.
- The Tube Lemma.
- November 28: Thanksgiving break
- Week 14: December 1 - 5
- 3-27: Compact subspace of the real line.
- Cantor's nested intervals theorem.
- Heine-Borel theorem.
- Subset of R^n is compact iff closed and bounded.
- Extreme value theorem.
- 3-27: Lebesgue number lemma.
- Theorem 27.6: Uniform Continuity Theorem.
- Week 15: December 8 -12
- Exam review.
- Exam III: Friday, December 12. Location Van Vleck B119.
Contact Information
Autumn Kent
Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin
480 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Office: 615 Van Vleck
Office phone: 608-263-5064