LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Special issue on the JOINT SPECTRAL RADIUS Second call for papers The joint spectral radius is a measure of the maximal growth of products of matrices taken from a set. Fuelled by applications in many areas there has been intensive research on this topic over the last two decades. This special issue aims to highlight the advances that have been achieved in recent times and to generate a state of the art account of the developments in algebraic and analytic theory of the joint spectral radius, computational aspects and application areas. Papers devoted to further subjects concerning long products of matrices are also welcome. Theoretical developments in the area have used methods from diverse mathematical fields. Computational complexity theory has been used to show that in general the joint spectral radius is hard to determine, while convex analysis lies at the foundation of many results obtained on analytic properties, and methods from ergodic theory can be used to characterize the continuous time version of the joint spectral radius in the framework of stochastic dynamical systems. In order to make the broad scope of methods visible we encourage submissions from all areas that have an impact on the understanding of the joint spectral radius ranging from matrix analysis, numerical analysis, algebraic theory of matrix semigroups, computational complexity theory, stability theory of switched linear systems, spectral theory of semigroups of matrices. Furthermore, long products of matrices play a prominent role in certain areas in automata theory, iterated functions systems and various other fields. We note that depending on the authors the joint spectral radius is also known as the maximal Lyapunov exponent or Lyapunov indicator, the Bohl exponent or the exponential growth rate and we encourage the submission of papers that create links to fields where notions similar to the joint spectral radius are studied, e.g. papers on continuous time versions of the joint spectral radius and extensions to infinite dimensions. The joint spectral radius has found numerous applications in diverse areas; e.g. it has been used in coding theory to express the capacity of certain channels, in the stability analysis of consensus algorithms, to quantify the smoothness of wavelets obtained via dilation equations, in combinatorial number theory, in probability to analyze the distributions of random power series, in stability analysis of switched linear systems, in approximation theory to verify the convergence of subdivision algorithms,and in the theory of fractals and attractors. We particularly invite papers that explore applications in these or other areas. All papers submitted must meet the publication standards of Linear Algebra and its Applications and will be refereed in the usual way. They should be submitted to one of the special editors of this issue listed below by 31 December 2006. Submission via email by sending a ps or pdf file is encouraged. Vincent Blondel Department of Mathematical Engineering Université catholique de Louvain 4 Avenue George Lemaitre B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium Micheal Karow Department of Mathematics Berlin University of Technology Strasse des 17. Juni 136 10623 Berlin Germany Vladimir Protasov Department of Mechanics and Mathematics Moscow State University Vorobyovy Gory 119992 Moscow Russia Fabian Wirth The Hamilton Institute NUI Maynooth Maynooth, Co. Kildare Ireland The responsible editor-in-chief of the special issue is: Hans Schneider Department of Mathematics University of Wisconsin - Madison Van Vleck Hall 480 Lincoln Drive Madison, Wisconsin 53706 U.S.A. email: